
Setting up a business in your new chosen home country can be a daunting task. Tasks such as Name reservation, company registration, incorporation, registering for GST and PAYE may be difficult to come to grasp with.

TNC offer business setup services to their clients including company name reservation, company registration, company incorporation, registrationor GST and PAYE, and business setup advice.

After chosing your company name and reserving that name with the Companies Office we register your company, enabling you to start trading immediately.

TNC can also assist in recommending:

  • Company type such as limited liablity, sole trade or non profit organisation.
  • Banking services required.
  • Tax registration IRD and GST.
  • Business insurances.
  • ACC registration.
  • Accounting and recording systems.

Maintaining proper records and documents from your business / company is a requirement from various government departments. TNC will advice you in this area as part of your company registration to ensure your business immigration application is successful.

We may also be able to assist you in the preparation of Individual Employment Contracts and Job Descriptions as per your company's requirements.

Start your enquiry here.

Covid 19 Notice

As the impact of the coronavirus continues to evolve, we face this unprecedented situation together. The pandemic is affecting all of us. At Terra Nova Consultancy Ltd we wish to reach out and update you on how we are addressing it. Our top priority is to protect the health and safety of our employees, clients, and our communities. Our focus on customer service remains at the center of everything we do, and we are fully committed to continue to serve you with our services, and striving to provide our services without interruption.Please listen and act upon the advise given by the Government, only in that way will we together be able to combat this challenge. And as always, stay healthy and keep safe.

Contact Details

Terra Nova Consultancy Ltd
14 Glanworth Place, Botany 2106
Manukau, Auckland 2106,
New Zealand

View map

Please arrange visit by appointment.

Mobile: +64 275 706 540

Postal Address:
PO Box 58385, Botany
Manukau, Auckland 2163,
New Zealand

Licensed Immigration Adviser

Johannes Petrus (Peter) Hubertus Cornelis Hendrikx

License number: 200800214

Is your Immigration Adviser
licenced by the NZ Government?
Click here for details